Tuesday, September 13, 2011

tiny teeth and baby gates.

Oh my.. how long has it been since I last posted?! wayyyy too long. Let's see.. there's been a wedding in there and just busy busy days..and a half birthday!
As of September 1.... (drumroll please..) I have a tooth growin, giggling SIX MONTH old. Yes yes I know she is 6 1/2 by now! crazy crazy. So lets have a little Lyla update.
-she has her own "crawl". it's more like an army crawl right now, but hey, it works for her!! it's pretty funny to watch when you can tell she wants something really bad.. (like when her daddy comes home from work)
I think it might be time to start baby proofing the house.. she's on the move people.
-she has a tooth! well, like 1/12 of one. hehe. but it's there! Grampa says she'll be eatin steak with him any day now. I hope the rest go this easy.. she was a little fussy, but nothing horrible that a little Tylenol didn't kick.
-sitting up and playing with her toys is old news... she trys to pull herself up on things now, but doesn't quite get there.. yet..
-she is wearing pretty much all 6-9 and 9 month clothes. talk about a growth spurt. seems like I just went through everything to put away her 3 month stuff. nuts!
-still spitting up :( but not as bad!! we can actually go on a car ride now without being completely soaked after a few minutes. Outfits have been lasting sooo much longer too.
-she only wakes up a couple times a night to put her pacifier back in her mouth. But most nights she sleeps a good ten hours. ahhh. so nice!
SO SO much has changed in the last month or so. It is so fun to watch her grow. Even the ways she picks things up and plays with things is different. We just love it! I can't wait for the months ahead to watch her grow. But already realizing she doesn't like to be held like a baby at.all. Not even before bed anymore. ahhh, so bittersweet!  But so happy for a healthy, growing baby! I couldn't ask for anything more.
Mommy loves you Lyla Marie! and I'm pretty sure Daddy does too... <3


Cassie said...


Unknown said...

This is the cutest little post! She is absolutely adorable!!