Get yo skank on.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Thursday, August 2, 2012
It's been a while!!
So I got really bored today and checked out my old blog.. it's been 6 months!! Didn't even think it had been that long! wow. I know all of you are just DYING to see what the Wilgraf's have been up to since January...
FEBRUARY: Lyla's first Valentine's Day:)
MARCH: A little girl turned into a big girl at her first birthday!!
and momma got a jeep:)
APRIL: We had a special baptism<3
MAY:warm warm weather! jeeping and swimming!
JUNE: Momma's birthday!
and fireman's picnic and parade
JULY: Vacation to Table Rock Lake and Branson.
Mommy got a new job and Lyla started Day Care!!
And now it is August. Where has the time gone?! I was seriously wondering why I ever stopped blogging a few days ago. And it hit me.. I think I stopped when Lyla started walking!! haha. What a wild woman I have on my hands. But I wouldn't change it for the world!! So maybe I'm back to blogging.. who knows what the next month has in store for us!! Brandon and I are headed for a float trip this weekend and Lyla is spending the weekend with Grandma and Grandpa. praying there is actually water to float on... see ya next week!!
FEBRUARY: Lyla's first Valentine's Day:)
MARCH: A little girl turned into a big girl at her first birthday!!
and momma got a jeep:)
APRIL: We had a special baptism<3
MAY:warm warm weather! jeeping and swimming!
and fireman's picnic and parade
JULY: Vacation to Table Rock Lake and Branson.
Mommy got a new job and Lyla started Day Care!!
And now it is August. Where has the time gone?! I was seriously wondering why I ever stopped blogging a few days ago. And it hit me.. I think I stopped when Lyla started walking!! haha. What a wild woman I have on my hands. But I wouldn't change it for the world!! So maybe I'm back to blogging.. who knows what the next month has in store for us!! Brandon and I are headed for a float trip this weekend and Lyla is spending the weekend with Grandma and Grandpa. praying there is actually water to float on... see ya next week!!
Friday, January 27, 2012
E is for Elephant.
Day E. Explain To Me Why
yo yo, it's Friday!! I think instead of doing my confessions this week I will just ask a few questions. To go along with the ABC Challenge of course. Hope you all have a good weekend planned! I don't have much going on.. but I am actually getting out of the house today for the first time in 3 days. ha, I really blame it on the weather. I just hate being out in the cold rain with Lyla. If it was just me, I would just run to the car and not care a bit. But with her I can't just do that. I am afraid an old lady will see me and yell at me for not having a hat and coat on her. haha. Even though I always warm up my car and we run for three feet. whatev. ANYWAY here we go!
yo yo, it's Friday!! I think instead of doing my confessions this week I will just ask a few questions. To go along with the ABC Challenge of course. Hope you all have a good weekend planned! I don't have much going on.. but I am actually getting out of the house today for the first time in 3 days. ha, I really blame it on the weather. I just hate being out in the cold rain with Lyla. If it was just me, I would just run to the car and not care a bit. But with her I can't just do that. I am afraid an old lady will see me and yell at me for not having a hat and coat on her. haha. Even though I always warm up my car and we run for three feet. whatev. ANYWAY here we go!
- I can't have a mailbox in my yard. I don't get it. I was told the lady didn't want to make another stop. But I see her drive past my house every day. Isn't that her job? Shouldn't I have the same privelages as every one else?? And they tried to make me get a p.o. box and pay for it. Why can't she just stop?
- Lyla finds it necessary to crawl under every single table in the house. And ususally get stuck somewhere. What is so fun about it?? And the end tables, omg.. usually knocks everything off of them.
- Sometimes people just don't text you back or answer emails. I usually don't even care what the answer is, I just want to know one way or the other! And if you are thinking about it, or making sure of something, tell me that! Drives me crazy..
- Speaking of that, sometimes I blame it on my phone too. Explain to my why my phone decides not to send my texts.. asks me if I want to send again, then sends them 48 times to the person. Has anyone had this happen to them lately from me? sorry. lol. Stupid phone is drivin me carazay.
- My dad gets to go to Australia and I don't. haha, just kidding, I know why and I'm sure his trip won't be full of fun. But that is my dream vaca! Other than back to vegas of course. I asked my dad if he would pay for a wedding in either one of those places and he just gave me a look...... why? haha.
- I keep finding Lyla standing by herself in different rooms playing, but as soon as she hears me move behind her she falls to the ground. Come on! I just want a picture! lol.
- And she goes straight for this anytime I let her:
- Words With Friends is so addicting. I think I have ten games going right now.
- Speaking of WWF, explain to my why I keep getting crap letters with the same people over and over again?? I swear I lose to the same people because of the letters. Not because they are just that much better than me. I beat my mom sometimes, ok? and she is good. I think they are trickin me.
- Everyone keeps "sharing" this mattress on facebook. I don't think it's real. Just sayin.
- Brandon has to drop something in the kitchen every.single.morning when I am laying there praying Lyla doesn't wake up. WHY?
- I look forward to a whole weekend of Brandon at home and then he decides he will work Saturday and Sunday. WHY? ugh, Mommy needs a break!
Yep, the stairs in the bathroom. (I know, ugly) but she has mastered them. And finds her toys at the top to throw back into the tub. I guess she just loves bath time! (and yes, those are her mini feet.)
well that's enough of me bitching :) Hope you all are having a fab day. What's everybody doing this weekend??!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
D is for Dog.
Day D- Did You Know?
Oh, I thought I would just throw some randomness at you for this post. About me, and just random things I know. You will be so amazed. So get ready.
Oh, I thought I would just throw some randomness at you for this post. About me, and just random things I know. You will be so amazed. So get ready.
- I can flip my bellybutton inside out. Like, grab hold of it, turn it around and make it look like an outy. Be jealous.
- In the first episode of Everybody Loves Raymond the twins were named Matthew and Gregory. From the second episode on they were named Geoffrey and Michael.
- If you mix together A&D and Desitin it is the perfect formula for an overnight cure of diaper rash.
- I can lay on my stomach and flip my legs over my head and touch the floor in front of my face.
- I have lived in Red Bud, Prairie du Rocher, St.Louis, Columbia and Evansville.
- The relationship I am in now is the longest I have ever been in.
- I went into labor with Lyla on my due date. (but didn't have her til the next day.)
- If I would have been pregnant this year instead of last, Lyla's birthday would be February 29th.
- The Phil Collins song "In the Air Tonight" is not about him witnessing a drowning. He doesn't know what it is about, he just wrote it out of anger because of his divorce.
- There are more plastic flamingos in the US than real.
- It is 1.5 miles to shore from Alcatraz Island.
- I am a little obsessed with the new show Alcatraz.
- I have probably taken 6 showers in the last year. The rest have been baths.
- Justin Bieber has the same birthday as Lyla.
- I used to be able to do ten backhandsprings in a row. (MUSKETEERS)
- I have to sleep with a bra on or I have bad dreams.
- If you feed a baby too much orange colored food their skin will turn orange.
Friday, January 20, 2012
FESS UP it's Friday
It's Friday!! whoooo. really, I see no difference in today and this weekend. lol. Brandon has to work all weekend, so that means I pretty much do too. yuck. But.. it means that other people are off and maybe they will want to hang. lol. or at least I will have someone to talk to during the day! on with the show.
I confess when Brandon told me he was working for sure Saturday and maybe Sunday I teared up. This week started cards on both Tuesday and Thursday and he has a funeral to go to tonight. Momma's been by herself a lot this week. and Wednesday night he was just so tired... ughhhh.
I confess I have not had to take Lyla to the doctor before because she was sick. And today I am going to. She's just had a runny nose and stuff, but I don't want it to get bad over the weekend and not be able to go. It breaks my heart when she sits there holding on to her ears :(
I confess I feel like people take advantage of me sometimes. Like I am just going to be there whenever they want to do something no matter what. And when I want to do something they say "I'll let you know" and sometimes never even get back to me. But I'm just supposed to be there when they have time. Because I don't have important things like they do. I don't get it at all. Just because I don't have a "work schedule" doesn't mean I don't have a life, and things I need to do.
I confess I am horrible at math. Like, so horrible Brandon has started pointing it out. I get my phone calculator out for everything. He says I will never do the taxes ( THANK GOD ).. speaking of that. I confess I used to think the "tip calculator" in your phone was just a more simple calculator.. until my friend Kerri told me it was for figuring tips at a restaurant. omg........
I confess I am thinking about getting a job. Where, I don't know. I want to do hair again sometimes but other times there is part of me that doesn't at all. It would be nice just working by the hour and not having all the stress of it.. people think that thier time is way more important than yours when you are a hair stylist. It shouldn't matter when they are late but if you are a little behind or taking longer than usual, it's a huge deal. So, I'm tossing it around. I don't really need a job right now, but it would be nice to have something I felt good about doing. I don't even know if I could jump in to full time yet. I have a feeling I would cry a lot...
Speaking of doing hair. TIP your hairstylist. just a couple dollars makes a huge difference. And when they take time out of their day, or "squeeze" you in, or stay late and you don't even tip.. it is a big deal. And next time, they won't go out of their way for you. Just sayin. Even if they do your hair at home or in their kitchen! We still went to school and are professionals :) don't take advantage of your hair stylist!
I confess this is STILL in my livingroom.
The FIRST thing I wanted OUT is still here. Oh, we have bought a new light to go there. Brandon keeps saying he wants to redo the whole room and take out the drop ceiling and everything so it's pointless to take it out now. That was a year ago.... barf.
I confess Lyla has learned how to turn the tv off and on. And after she does it she turns to look at me as fast as she can to see if I noticed. And most of the time I tell her to turn it back on.. and I think it's becoming obvious to her that I don't like her doing it because when I tried to get a picture I got this:
and a couple seconds later this:
Oh, it's been fun around here let me tell ya.
I confess I am in love with our new refridgerator. I didn't even think it would make a difference to me. But omg. love it. The drawer at the bottom for the freezer instead of the side by side is amazing. AND this is making my dad come down and hook up the water for ice and water in the door. We have always had that.. but never hooked it up. it's another one of those Brandon things.. (what if we move the fridge?!) don't get me started. lol.
I confess we have no plans this weekend, and we didn't last weekend either. And last weekend turned out pretty good.. so I'm ok with it. But honestly if I don't get out of this house I will lose it big time.
Wow, my confessions were kinda bitchy today. But you'll have that when you got woke up every hour the night before. .... So fess up! It's Friday. And be bitchy, I don't care. :)
I confess when Brandon told me he was working for sure Saturday and maybe Sunday I teared up. This week started cards on both Tuesday and Thursday and he has a funeral to go to tonight. Momma's been by herself a lot this week. and Wednesday night he was just so tired... ughhhh.
I confess I have not had to take Lyla to the doctor before because she was sick. And today I am going to. She's just had a runny nose and stuff, but I don't want it to get bad over the weekend and not be able to go. It breaks my heart when she sits there holding on to her ears :(
I confess I feel like people take advantage of me sometimes. Like I am just going to be there whenever they want to do something no matter what. And when I want to do something they say "I'll let you know" and sometimes never even get back to me. But I'm just supposed to be there when they have time. Because I don't have important things like they do. I don't get it at all. Just because I don't have a "work schedule" doesn't mean I don't have a life, and things I need to do.
I confess I am horrible at math. Like, so horrible Brandon has started pointing it out. I get my phone calculator out for everything. He says I will never do the taxes ( THANK GOD ).. speaking of that. I confess I used to think the "tip calculator" in your phone was just a more simple calculator.. until my friend Kerri told me it was for figuring tips at a restaurant. omg........
I confess I am thinking about getting a job. Where, I don't know. I want to do hair again sometimes but other times there is part of me that doesn't at all. It would be nice just working by the hour and not having all the stress of it.. people think that thier time is way more important than yours when you are a hair stylist. It shouldn't matter when they are late but if you are a little behind or taking longer than usual, it's a huge deal. So, I'm tossing it around. I don't really need a job right now, but it would be nice to have something I felt good about doing. I don't even know if I could jump in to full time yet. I have a feeling I would cry a lot...
Speaking of doing hair. TIP your hairstylist. just a couple dollars makes a huge difference. And when they take time out of their day, or "squeeze" you in, or stay late and you don't even tip.. it is a big deal. And next time, they won't go out of their way for you. Just sayin. Even if they do your hair at home or in their kitchen! We still went to school and are professionals :) don't take advantage of your hair stylist!
I confess this is STILL in my livingroom.
The FIRST thing I wanted OUT is still here. Oh, we have bought a new light to go there. Brandon keeps saying he wants to redo the whole room and take out the drop ceiling and everything so it's pointless to take it out now. That was a year ago.... barf.
I confess Lyla has learned how to turn the tv off and on. And after she does it she turns to look at me as fast as she can to see if I noticed. And most of the time I tell her to turn it back on.. and I think it's becoming obvious to her that I don't like her doing it because when I tried to get a picture I got this:
and a couple seconds later this:
Oh, it's been fun around here let me tell ya.
I confess I am in love with our new refridgerator. I didn't even think it would make a difference to me. But omg. love it. The drawer at the bottom for the freezer instead of the side by side is amazing. AND this is making my dad come down and hook up the water for ice and water in the door. We have always had that.. but never hooked it up. it's another one of those Brandon things.. (what if we move the fridge?!) don't get me started. lol.
I confess we have no plans this weekend, and we didn't last weekend either. And last weekend turned out pretty good.. so I'm ok with it. But honestly if I don't get out of this house I will lose it big time.
Wow, my confessions were kinda bitchy today. But you'll have that when you got woke up every hour the night before. .... So fess up! It's Friday. And be bitchy, I don't care. :)
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Thank You Thursday
Oh, gosh it's been a while since I have done a random post like this.. but. it's time. (when I said "it's time" in my head I said it exactly like doc says "roads? where we're going we don't need roads." in Back to the Future. ok ok. here ya go.
Thank You Lyla for sleeping in your own bed all night. Mommy's back needed that. And sleeping til after 7. That hasn't happened in a while. And let's just say we've already had a nap where Mommy woke up in a pile of her own drool. ahhhhh. I love cloudy days.
Thank You refridgerator for pretty much going out. Honestly, if it could have picked any time it's the right time. BUT. Momma wants a new car. And after I went out and bought groceries to fill up that new fridge yesterday Brandon said "I don't know how we're ever gonna make a car payment!" ugh....
Thank You Heather for deciding to do this "ABC" thing. Now I am stuck to my computer again and I have piles of laundry and the house is a disaster area. Lyla isn't complaining. She is getting serious Barney time in.
Thinking of Heather.. I just read her post today and started FREAKING OUT. omg.... Day G. Growing by leaps and bounds. LYLA. Lyla is turning one March 1. I have 39 days to plan something... and haven't even started. Thank you Heather, thank you. :/ anyone can throw ideas at me anytime!
Thank You Chex Mix Cookies and Cream for rocking my world. But I need to put you down.
Thank You Lyla for learning to unroll the toilet paper no matter which way we put it on. It now sits on top of the toilet or sink. Looks fabulous. Better than finding itsy bits of tp all over my daughters hands...
Thank You to whoever moved the neighbor's vans. I don't know what happened to her.. or why you are cleaning out her whole house full of stuff.. but thank you. I am super glad the crashed up vans are gone but I have a feeling while this place is getting cleaned out it's going to be a mess over there.
Thank You Lyla for loving to shop just as much as Mommy.
Thank You Kuerig for having me addicted... agh! gotta go!
Thank You Lyla for sleeping in your own bed all night. Mommy's back needed that. And sleeping til after 7. That hasn't happened in a while. And let's just say we've already had a nap where Mommy woke up in a pile of her own drool. ahhhhh. I love cloudy days.
Thank You refridgerator for pretty much going out. Honestly, if it could have picked any time it's the right time. BUT. Momma wants a new car. And after I went out and bought groceries to fill up that new fridge yesterday Brandon said "I don't know how we're ever gonna make a car payment!" ugh....
Thank You Heather for deciding to do this "ABC" thing. Now I am stuck to my computer again and I have piles of laundry and the house is a disaster area. Lyla isn't complaining. She is getting serious Barney time in.
Thinking of Heather.. I just read her post today and started FREAKING OUT. omg.... Day G. Growing by leaps and bounds. LYLA. Lyla is turning one March 1. I have 39 days to plan something... and haven't even started. Thank you Heather, thank you. :/ anyone can throw ideas at me anytime!
Thank You Chex Mix Cookies and Cream for rocking my world. But I need to put you down.
Thank You Lyla for learning to unroll the toilet paper no matter which way we put it on. It now sits on top of the toilet or sink. Looks fabulous. Better than finding itsy bits of tp all over my daughters hands...
Thank You to whoever moved the neighbor's vans. I don't know what happened to her.. or why you are cleaning out her whole house full of stuff.. but thank you. I am super glad the crashed up vans are gone but I have a feeling while this place is getting cleaned out it's going to be a mess over there.
Thank You Lyla for loving to shop just as much as Mommy.
![]() |
she takes this shit seriously. |
Thank You Kuerig for having me addicted... agh! gotta go!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
C is for Car.
Day C- Credit a Friend
I thought about this post all night. Trying to think of my "best friend".. Even though I have never been a "best friend" kinda girl. I have good friends, but not a best. Ever since I read what the title for today was I have been going over and over it in my head. Finally this morning while I was giving Lyla her bottle I got a little text message that said "I love you and Lyla so so so so so much. Hope my girls have a great day." It hit me.
Gotta give credit where credit is due. I thank the bank for the money, thank GOD for you.
I thought about this post all night. Trying to think of my "best friend".. Even though I have never been a "best friend" kinda girl. I have good friends, but not a best. Ever since I read what the title for today was I have been going over and over it in my head. Finally this morning while I was giving Lyla her bottle I got a little text message that said "I love you and Lyla so so so so so much. Hope my girls have a great day." It hit me.
If there is someone I really need to give credit to, it's Brandon. My best friend. If there is one person I can always count on, it's him. He is always there for me, no matter what.
Brandon and I met in September 2009. I don't think we have gone a day since then without talking. We pretty much just clicked. And I guess you can say we started dating right away. Pretty much inseperable.
He knows everything about me. And I mean EVERYTHING. And if you know me, you know that can be pretty intense. Ha, I have a problem with being a little straight forward sometimes... lol. And guess what? He still loves me. Even if he doesn't want to that day, he does. We have so much fun together. I can't imagine where I would be without him. He listens, gives advice, and makes me feel better about everything. Being around him feels like taking a deep breath. Just perfect for me.
So here's to you, babe. The best boyfriend, daddy, and best friend a girl could ask for. Love love love you more than anything in the world. (and of course Lyla..)
Gotta give credit where credit is due. I thank the bank for the money, thank GOD for you.
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