Friday, January 20, 2012

FESS UP it's Friday

It's Friday!! whoooo. really, I see no difference in today and this weekend. lol. Brandon has to work all weekend, so that means I pretty much do too. yuck. But.. it means that other people are off  and maybe they will want to hang. lol. or at least I will have someone to talk to during the day! on with the show.

I confess when Brandon told me he was working for sure Saturday and maybe Sunday I teared up. This week started cards on both Tuesday and Thursday and he has a funeral to go to tonight. Momma's been by herself a lot this week. and Wednesday night he was just so tired... ughhhh.

I confess I have not had to take Lyla to the doctor before because she was sick. And today I am going to. She's just had a runny nose and stuff, but I don't want it to get bad over the weekend and not be able to go. It breaks my heart when she sits there holding on to her ears :(

I confess I feel like people take advantage of me sometimes. Like I am just going to be there whenever they want to do something no matter what. And when I want to do something they say "I'll let you know" and sometimes never even get back to me. But I'm just supposed to be there when they have time. Because I don't have important things like they do. I don't get it at all. Just because I don't have a "work schedule" doesn't mean I don't have a life, and things I need to do.

I confess I am horrible at math. Like, so horrible Brandon has started pointing it out. I get my phone calculator out for everything. He says I will never do the taxes ( THANK GOD ).. speaking of that. I confess I used to think the "tip calculator" in your phone was just a more simple calculator.. until my friend Kerri told me it was for figuring tips at a restaurant. omg........

I confess I am thinking about getting a job. Where, I don't know. I want to do hair again sometimes but other times there is part of me that doesn't at all. It would be nice just working by the hour and not having all the stress of it.. people think that thier time is way more important than yours when you are a hair stylist. It shouldn't matter when they are late but if you are a little behind or taking longer than usual, it's a huge deal. So, I'm tossing it around. I don't really need a job right now, but it would be nice to have something I felt good about doing. I don't even know if I could jump in to full time yet. I have a feeling I would cry a lot...

Speaking of doing hair. TIP your hairstylist. just a couple dollars makes a huge difference. And when they take time out of their day, or "squeeze" you in, or stay late and you don't even tip.. it is a big deal. And next time, they won't go out of their way for you. Just sayin. Even if they do your hair at home or in their kitchen! We still went to school and are professionals :) don't take advantage of your hair stylist!

I confess this is STILL in my livingroom.
The FIRST thing I wanted OUT is still here. Oh, we have bought a new light to go there. Brandon keeps saying he wants to redo the whole room and take out the drop ceiling and everything so it's pointless to take it out now. That was a year ago.... barf.

I confess Lyla has learned how to turn the tv off and on. And after she does it she turns to look at me as fast as she can to see if I noticed. And most of the time I tell her to turn it back on.. and I think it's becoming obvious to her that I don't like her doing it because when I tried to get a picture I got this:

and a couple seconds later this:

Oh, it's been fun around here let me tell ya.

I confess I am in love with our new refridgerator. I didn't even think it would make a difference to me. But omg. love it. The drawer at the bottom for the freezer instead of the side by side is amazing. AND this is making my dad come down and hook up the water for ice and water in the door. We have always had that.. but never hooked it up. it's another one of those Brandon things.. (what if we move the fridge?!) don't get me started. lol.

I confess we have no plans this weekend, and we didn't last weekend either. And last weekend turned out pretty good.. so I'm ok with it. But honestly if I don't get out of this house I will lose it big time.

Wow, my confessions were kinda bitchy today. But you'll have that when you got woke up every hour the night before. .... So fess up! It's Friday. And be bitchy, I don't care. :)


Ashley Mitchell said...

You need a drink!!! Jk. :)

i confess when you mentioned taxes, i cringed a little. i have a ton of medical stuff to get together for them. ugh. i wish i was more organized about that.

i confess im typing one handed bc im trying to get Mason to fall asleep. he's had a rough week. poopin, teethin,

hope you get out for a bit this weekend. :)

Adrien said...

Oh my, that light fixture is cracking me up!! :D I totally feel your pain, I need to get out, too!!

I confess that I haven't stepped foot out of this house since Sunday. SUNDAY!

Cassie said...

i'm a single mommy all weekend too. on the up side you should be getting some fun mail tomorrow!! hopefully.

and the tip calculator, i read that and literally said, "oh erin....." bahahahahaahhaa.

Lara said...

I always compare your hairstylist to a waitress. You would not ever forget to tip your waitress and What do they do..take your order, bring out your food, refill your drinks. While your hairstylist is with you the entire time your there for your service. They are the ones that formulate your color where as a waitress has a cook do the work.