Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Ten Months and 11 Days of Learning

Hey guys!! I feel like I have been so crazy busy lately.. (I know you are thinking "with what?!") but I decided to put a little hold on my blog because I just felt weird about it being up and not posting and just some other stuff goin on. I started this blog because I wanted to keep track of all the fun things Lyla was doing and it ended up seeming like I would blog and not pay as much attention to her.. Kinda defeats the purpose. And I have been trying to take advantage of being a stay at home mom. I mean, I'm not going to be able to do this forever, and not everybody gets to hang out with thier baby and watch them grow all day everyday. So that's that. But it brings me to the point of this post. Things I have learned in 10 months and 11 days. Exactly the age of my baby girl. Here goes:

  • A bath can cure the fussy baby blues anyday.

  • If you can't find the pacifier in the middle of the night, check the back of thier neck.. it might be stuck.
  • Similac is the root to all evil.
  • PBS can save your life. Literally. And help you have clean dishes.
  • You can never take enough pictures. Yeah, you might feel a little silly.. but you won't ever be mad at yourself for capturing that moment!
  • Ask for help. Good mom's need help too. Your baby would rather be away from you for a couple hours playing with grandma than with you drinking 18 mountain dews, pulling your hair out and crying. think about it.
  • You won't ever laugh at someone more than you will laugh at your kid.
  • Don't get too down about something not being as good as you thought it would.. they won't remember this anyway.
  • If they want to sleep on their tummy.. don't beat yourself up about it. Geez.. we all need our sleep!
  • Figure out some sort of schedule early and try to stick to it... your life will be so much easier.
  • If you aren't on schedule a few times it is NOT the end of the world.. you have to have a life!!
  • Make an effort to do things with your boyfriend/husband/whatever without baby. It might be just what you need.
  • Don't be afraid to lay down with your baby. Some of my favorite times have been cuddling in bed with her just snuggling and being silly. 
  • A nakey baby is a happy baby!
  • Sometimes.. just let her clean out the pots and pans cabinet.
  • If you can't find them, check in front of the washer..
  • Listen to other mom's when they give advice.. they have done this before. All babies are different, but anything is worth a try!
  • It's probably not that important to have everything name brand..
  • Get down on the floor and play. And sing. And dance.
  • It's is OK to go out with your friends. It doesn't make you a bad mom.. and sometimes you need that break and to be able to socialize about things other than baby butt.
  • If you put the toilet paper roll on backwards they can't unroll it as easy.
  • Drop everything and take a walk.

  • It's ok to put the bouncer in the bathroom and take a bath. And it's ok to put that baby in the bath with you.
  • Nothing smells better than lavender Johnson and Johnson baby shampoo. And a freshly lotioned up A&D'd butt baby in your arms at night.
  • No one is super mom. And as easy as they may make you think it is for them.. it's not. They have the same problems you have and they are just as sleep deprived.
  • Be silly in the car.
  • She will love you the most. So don't worry about how excited they get about seeing other people. You are Mommy and that's all that matters!
  • It's ok to tell someone you don't like what they are doing. It's your baby, you're MOM! Quit questioning yourself on everything. You are doing just fine! No matter what ANYONE else thinks.
So there ya go. Just a few little things that I have learned along this crazy journey. Less than two months I will have  ONE year old. Can you believe that?? ONE. Like walking. ahhhhhhh.. not ready for this! She is becoming the sweetest little girl ever. She just gives me hugs and kisses and I love every second. OK OK that's enough of that. She also pulls my hair and pokes my eyes. hahaha. Momma's girl.
So hopefully I am back on the blogging train but we will see! You just never know how my days are gonna go around here. BUT I am thinking about doing Heather's little ABC thing so stay tuned......


Ashley Mitchell said...

Aww....I love this. I said Amen to about every one of them . :)

Kim Luke said...

great mommy tips! Some days I need to be reminded of these!!!!

Lyla is adorable!! I think she gets cuter and cuter in every picture!!!!

Adrien said...

Love this, Erin! I saw your post update on Heather's blog...still not getting your updates in my feed. Boo!

Lyla is so super cute!

Erin said...

Thanks guys! Just thought I would throw my two cents out there. LOl. Adrien! That's so weird.. I don't know how to fix it either!

Sarah said...

Aww, love!

I don't know why you ever doubted yourself. You are one of the most real, cool, loving mamas I've ever met! Lyla is one lucky babygirl :)

Erin said...

I didn't doubt myself though. LOl.

Sara Simpson said...

I very much enjoyed this post! I can't wait to be a mom too and take all these things into consideration!!

Melissa said...

<3 <3 <3!!!

Being a mommy is the BEST JOB EVER!!

Glad to see you are soaking up every second!