manalivin. where has the week gone?? yes. I look forward to my weeks most of the time, not weekends. This is the time I get my baby all to myself, I get the house clean, snuggle and cook supper and see my boyfriend at night. (now that farming is DONE!) But this week has been crazy! I don't even know why, I don't know exactly what I did all week, but it's been nuts. Let's get on to the confessions.
I confess I haven't felt very good all week and I think it just finally hit me last night. I think I knew it, just didn't want to believe it.. then I ate the wrong thing and bam. Slow it down lady.. I am feeling a little better today but I also haven't really ate much.. just a small bowl of cereal. So we'll see... thinking this is why my week felt like it went by so fast.
I confess I have a non-sports kinda boyfriend. And most of the time I reallllly like it. We don't have to spend our Sundays in front of a tv and I get his attention when I want it. But last night during game six we were both totally all about the game. Even Whitney couldn't hold us back. (but I did get her in during commercials) Finally he gave up and we went to bed. But I kept it on cause I just couldn't look away.. and by the end he was up too because I was just too excited to keep it to myself. lol.
I confess I really want to go out tonight and watch the game somewhere. But really when I sit down and think about laying around in my pj pants with my babies and eating popcorn I could just stay home.. But then again.....
I confess I went to a different weight watchers meeting this week and couldn't even find the book they put your weight in or my monthly pass. BUT she let me in anyway.. and weighed me and gave me a sticker with my weight on it.. I thought it looked good and when I got home and found my book I saw I am down 7 pounds in all! wahoo!
I confess I can't stand it when skinny people talk about how fat they are. Like really can't stand it. They might as well just look at me and say "will you give me a compliment about my body?" because I feel like that's all they want.
I confess last week I took Lyla to the park and I still have yet to blog about it or put it on fb. I know I feel horrible. I really want to stay up on when we did stuff with her for the first time. FYI she LOVED the swings. :)
I confess I taught Lyla how to kiss me on the cheek and it's the funniest thing ever. LOVE it. Even though it's slobbery. She started waving bye too!!!
I confess I really want to dress up as something for Halloween. And we could possibly have something to dress up for tomorrow night but my parents are out of town and we have no sitter.. I found some really good costumes the other day at the store too... Brandon thinks he needs to be the Brawny man though for some reason.
I confess I hate it when people don't text me back. I would rather hear a straight answer than just nothing.
I confess it took me almost TWO hours to put this thing together yesterday.. I am usually pretty good about stuff like that but it was put away weird and there was no instrustions anymore. And I am pretty sure it's still not together right...
But this makes it all worth while!! Love her laugh!
I confess I always feel like my house smells bad. Does anyone else ever think that?! I feel like it has a sweet smell and it makes me sick!
well. I had one more but this dumb computer won't let me upload.
in other news: everyone on Brandon's crew was layed off today but him. makes me so nervous! our time is coming....
hope you all have a great weekend! have a spooktacular time!
Friday, October 28, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
FESS UP it's Friday.
yo yo yo. what up my homegirls?! and boys. on to the confessions.
I confess I feel really really bad for Lyla lately cause I just think she is bored with her toys. Did anybody else ever feel like this?! Why do I feel so guilty all the time???
I confess we had a catastrophe (sp?lol) every single day this week at our house. Bath tub, falling, finger stepping, decorations falling off the wall and onto someone very small's head...... it's been a week I tell ya.
I confess I am breaking out the jeggings tonight. You heard me.
I confess I made cookies last night knowing that I am on a diet.. but I thought it would be nice and I love the way they smell. And when they were done Brandon wouldn't even eat any. Thanks babe.. thanks.
I confess I bought a tanning package last week and I have no idea why because I never get to tan..
I confess I am pretty sure I know who hid my purse last week. It makes me upset to even think about how petty it is and that I am even talking about this. I have no idea what the deal is ..
I confess I am getting a babysitter tonight and going out and not letting anyone make me feel bad about it!! I am so tired of letting people get to me. It's my life, it's my baby, and I am with her every single day all day long. I deserve big people talk every once in a while too.
I confess I have put off vacuuming for three days with it sitting out just because I don't want to hear Lyla sream at it. Even if I touch it she goes crazy.
I confess I made stuffed peppers for the first time last night and I think they turned out pretty good but I have never had them before so I have no idea, really! lol.
I confess I can't stand it when people have conversations over FB just so other people can see it. You have their phone number, text them.
I confess I haven't been to Tequila's since blogger night out and don't plan on going back for a while!! I don't need all those calories!
I confess every single time they talk about that little black baby on Grey's Anatomy I start bawling like a little baby. I have no idea why. It's a tv show, Erin..
I confess I almost had a breakdown the other day in Target becuase Lyla is in 12-18 month clothes and that stuff isn't in the infant part anymore.
I confess sometimes I want to just yell in some people's faces: "do you think that is really ok to say?!!" do people just not care anymore? or do some people just not know what is socially acceptable?
OK that's all I got for today! Have a good weekend everyone. My baby won't sleep today... it's great!
I confess I feel really really bad for Lyla lately cause I just think she is bored with her toys. Did anybody else ever feel like this?! Why do I feel so guilty all the time???
I confess we had a catastrophe (sp?lol) every single day this week at our house. Bath tub, falling, finger stepping, decorations falling off the wall and onto someone very small's head...... it's been a week I tell ya.
I confess I am breaking out the jeggings tonight. You heard me.
I confess I made cookies last night knowing that I am on a diet.. but I thought it would be nice and I love the way they smell. And when they were done Brandon wouldn't even eat any. Thanks babe.. thanks.
I confess I bought a tanning package last week and I have no idea why because I never get to tan..
I confess I am pretty sure I know who hid my purse last week. It makes me upset to even think about how petty it is and that I am even talking about this. I have no idea what the deal is ..
I confess I am getting a babysitter tonight and going out and not letting anyone make me feel bad about it!! I am so tired of letting people get to me. It's my life, it's my baby, and I am with her every single day all day long. I deserve big people talk every once in a while too.
I confess I have put off vacuuming for three days with it sitting out just because I don't want to hear Lyla sream at it. Even if I touch it she goes crazy.
I confess I made stuffed peppers for the first time last night and I think they turned out pretty good but I have never had them before so I have no idea, really! lol.
I confess I can't stand it when people have conversations over FB just so other people can see it. You have their phone number, text them.
I confess I haven't been to Tequila's since blogger night out and don't plan on going back for a while!! I don't need all those calories!
I confess every single time they talk about that little black baby on Grey's Anatomy I start bawling like a little baby. I have no idea why. It's a tv show, Erin..
I confess I almost had a breakdown the other day in Target becuase Lyla is in 12-18 month clothes and that stuff isn't in the infant part anymore.
I confess sometimes I want to just yell in some people's faces: "do you think that is really ok to say?!!" do people just not care anymore? or do some people just not know what is socially acceptable?
OK that's all I got for today! Have a good weekend everyone. My baby won't sleep today... it's great!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
day 19 - a song from your favorite album
Yeah, Lady Gaga is most likely still my fave at this point..
Black Jesus.
If you were wondering my favorite of all time is Garth Brooks "The Hits" BUUUUTTTTT. guess what I don't think he is a fan of You Tube. Imagine that.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
What do you call a skeleton that doesn't want to work?!
Lazy Bones.
ah, just a little Halloween humor for ya there. lol.
I have a few Thank You Thursdays!!!
Thank you Lyla for yelling at the top of your lungs the whole time we were in WalMart last night. Ha, made my day.. and week. She was so so so so funny. And if she stopped yelling I would just yell at her and she would laugh so hard then start yelling again and laughing at herself. Priceless.
Thank you margaritas and Little Debbie pumpkin snacks for making me not lose any weight this week :( I gained .2 pounds. So in all I am down 4. Not bad but not good either. I did expect it though because I went out like every other night last week. Slow it down Erin...
Thank you hooshwa Evansville for not giving a crap about these wrecked vans by our house. As if they weren't tacky enough already now they are wrecked up and a complete eye sore. SWEET! now when I give people directions to my house I can just say "you know, by those wrecked up nasty ass vans."
Thank you Brandon for saying the most ridiculous things. The other night we were watching the Kardashian wedding and he asked me if I would ever wear my Mom's dress at my wedding. I quickly responded with a no because my mom weighed a whoppin 110 pounds when she got married. Then he said he is sure he would wear his dad's tux. I said oh really?!? He said yep. Somethin borrowed and somethin blue.
Good lord almighty what have I gotten myself into...... funny thing is it's not just blue. It's blue jean.
OK OK if that wasn't something to smile about I got more. This is my life the past few days in pictures.
yesterday was a happy baby day! ha, I was trying to get her to crawl so I could take pictures and she wasn't having it. silly lady. I just eat her up lately. So lovey.
Oh gosh mom, that Elmo.. cracks me up!
Oh. mom, are you taking a bath?! I want in!!!!!!!!
MOM!! I am awake! Come in here! I neeeeeeeeeedddddd youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
In other news:
I scored this beauty at the craft show the other day. Well, Brandon got me the actual purse and a different shell one day at an auction thing. And I had another summery shell on it. But now this. LOVE it. I am a big girl. I deserve it, right?! Now I just need somewhere to go with it....
And another thing on my mind today:
ah, just a little Halloween humor for ya there. lol.
I have a few Thank You Thursdays!!!
Thank you Lyla for yelling at the top of your lungs the whole time we were in WalMart last night. Ha, made my day.. and week. She was so so so so funny. And if she stopped yelling I would just yell at her and she would laugh so hard then start yelling again and laughing at herself. Priceless.
Thank you margaritas and Little Debbie pumpkin snacks for making me not lose any weight this week :( I gained .2 pounds. So in all I am down 4. Not bad but not good either. I did expect it though because I went out like every other night last week. Slow it down Erin...
Thank you hooshwa Evansville for not giving a crap about these wrecked vans by our house. As if they weren't tacky enough already now they are wrecked up and a complete eye sore. SWEET! now when I give people directions to my house I can just say "you know, by those wrecked up nasty ass vans."
Thank you Brandon for saying the most ridiculous things. The other night we were watching the Kardashian wedding and he asked me if I would ever wear my Mom's dress at my wedding. I quickly responded with a no because my mom weighed a whoppin 110 pounds when she got married. Then he said he is sure he would wear his dad's tux. I said oh really?!? He said yep. Somethin borrowed and somethin blue.
Good lord almighty what have I gotten myself into...... funny thing is it's not just blue. It's blue jean.
OK OK if that wasn't something to smile about I got more. This is my life the past few days in pictures.
yesterday was a happy baby day! ha, I was trying to get her to crawl so I could take pictures and she wasn't having it. silly lady. I just eat her up lately. So lovey.
OKOK Mom I will show you for just a second.. but I'm not putting down my favorite beads.
Oh. mom, are you taking a bath?! I want in!!!!!!!!
MOM!! I am awake! Come in here! I neeeeeeeeeedddddd youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
In other news:
I scored this beauty at the craft show the other day. Well, Brandon got me the actual purse and a different shell one day at an auction thing. And I had another summery shell on it. But now this. LOVE it. I am a big girl. I deserve it, right?! Now I just need somewhere to go with it....
And another thing on my mind today:
that says it all.
Hope you all are having a fab Thursday. I am hoping to go out and have a delicious time with you bloggers tonight.. but we shall see. Working on a sitter because a deer stand is uh, standing in my way of going out. I may or may not be bald because my hair is being pulled out by the second.
Peace suckas!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
oh, Dorothy.. kiss kiss!
I was just thinking this morning: Wilgraf World.. Kinda like Elmo's World. haha. We like our goldfish and crayons too. Let's talk about some other things on my mind today.
Lyla is pulling herself up on things and STANDING. Is this already supposed to be happening?! I thought she was still a baby. Like, walk into her room and if she is awake in her bed most likely she will be standing there holding onto the side of the bed. omg. coffee table, foot rest, everything is something to pull herself up on. Holy moly. She is still pretty much army crawling, but gets everywhere. EVERYWHERE. And she now does this thing where her legs are straight and she puts her butt up in the air with her hands on the floor. ugh. So cute. She is on the grow!
I got new sheets. Cause Brandon ripped the other ones. I still don't understand how this happened but they were obviously too fragile for the Wilgraf's. Can't have nothin nice. But it's ok.. we got some new ones that are oh so pretty! Just not as soft.. oh well. My life is exciting isn't it? I can't believe you are still reading.
Tomorrow I weigh in again.. Haven't done so hot this week.. but still doing better than I was before. I was down 4.2 pounds last week! So hopefully I make it to that 5 pound mark.... you get a sticker you know.
Went to the Sugarland concert on Friday! I wasn't feeling too good so that kinda sucked:( but they were awesome performers! Such a good show. And I think I knew every song but one or two. It was great. Just sat back and listened.
Who DIDN'T watch Kim's Fairytale wedding geez?! me. Well, I thought it was gonna record last night and it didn't. BUT I did watch the first two hours of them all getting ready the other night. I was so intense about it too. You guys think Reggie was curled up with a blankie and kleenex in his bed crying watching it? I hope so. I am just waiting for it to come back on so I can watch it.......
I got a new leaf blower yesterday. Booya.
It was my bff Kim's birthday yesterday. We celebrated with a Sunday Funday and did whatever her little heart desired! Great day.. even though she's a ginger.
I also convinced my workaholic boyfriend to call in yesterday and hang out with me. AAANNNND HE DIDDDD! ahhhh, I feel much better now that I got to talk to him for more than 5 minutes before bed. We had an excellent day.
Alright, a little lady is at my feet now just looking at me like MOM!, play with me.
Lyla is pulling herself up on things and STANDING. Is this already supposed to be happening?! I thought she was still a baby. Like, walk into her room and if she is awake in her bed most likely she will be standing there holding onto the side of the bed. omg. coffee table, foot rest, everything is something to pull herself up on. Holy moly. She is still pretty much army crawling, but gets everywhere. EVERYWHERE. And she now does this thing where her legs are straight and she puts her butt up in the air with her hands on the floor. ugh. So cute. She is on the grow!
I got new sheets. Cause Brandon ripped the other ones. I still don't understand how this happened but they were obviously too fragile for the Wilgraf's. Can't have nothin nice. But it's ok.. we got some new ones that are oh so pretty! Just not as soft.. oh well. My life is exciting isn't it? I can't believe you are still reading.
Tomorrow I weigh in again.. Haven't done so hot this week.. but still doing better than I was before. I was down 4.2 pounds last week! So hopefully I make it to that 5 pound mark.... you get a sticker you know.
Went to the Sugarland concert on Friday! I wasn't feeling too good so that kinda sucked:( but they were awesome performers! Such a good show. And I think I knew every song but one or two. It was great. Just sat back and listened.
Who DIDN'T watch Kim's Fairytale wedding geez?! me. Well, I thought it was gonna record last night and it didn't. BUT I did watch the first two hours of them all getting ready the other night. I was so intense about it too. You guys think Reggie was curled up with a blankie and kleenex in his bed crying watching it? I hope so. I am just waiting for it to come back on so I can watch it.......
I got a new leaf blower yesterday. Booya.
It was my bff Kim's birthday yesterday. We celebrated with a Sunday Funday and did whatever her little heart desired! Great day.. even though she's a ginger.
I also convinced my workaholic boyfriend to call in yesterday and hang out with me. AAANNNND HE DIDDDD! ahhhh, I feel much better now that I got to talk to him for more than 5 minutes before bed. We had an excellent day.
Alright, a little lady is at my feet now just looking at me like MOM!, play with me.
Day 18 - a song that you wish you heard on the radio
Of course, I have two. :)
I love this Wagon Wheel song. I like to sing it to Lyla. Even though it's probably inappropriate.
And Hell on Heels. Booya.
A Landgraf HappilyEverAfter
Have you ever woke up the morning after a wedding and thought to yourself: seriously, it couldn't have went more perfect? that was this wedding. Honestly, I don't think anything went wrong! Well, not anything important anyway. We had such a great time. I loved every second!
We went up to Bloomingdale, Illinois on Friday evening. Agh, that drive took forever. Like that kid on Sandlot foreeevvvvveeerrrr. For real. Ok, maybe it was the sreaming baby in the backseat, or the snoring boy in the passenger seat that made it seem long, Idk. Ah, Nemo on dvd only works for so long :( Oh well, we made it and let me tell you, headed straight for bed. I mean straight. didn't even unpack our stuff from the car.
The next morning we got up and went to breakfast and checked out the hotel while Grandma and Grandpa hung out with Lyla. This place was awesome. Put-put golf, 2 pools, hot tub, like 4 bars, lots of lobby area.. and just an awesome layout. It was the Hilton Indian Lakes Resort (I think). Two thumbs up! Except for the loudness in the hallways :( kept us up all night! oh well.. after breakfast we all took a long nap and went out to the pool later until it was time to get ready for the rehearsal.
After some good food and drinks we headed to bed. So we thought... That night was someone else's wedding in the hotel. And they were LOUD. Are you ever just too tired to think in the middle of the night? I should have called the front desk. But I feel like they should have handled it before that too.. so loud and right outside my room :( Made it hard to get up the next day. But I DID. First pretty girl to get my hair and makeup done. yes, I called myself pretty. Melissa (the bride) had a penthouse on the top floor. It was awesome. That's where all the girls went to get ready. Fun morning!
Once we were all curled up, tucked in and painted on we were ready for pictures! It was a perfect day for outside pics so we headed out. Of course with strict instructions to keep the groom inside.
Then, it was time for the shuttle to the ceremony.. and the actual thing! Sooo calm until this point. lol. We rode a little bus thing over to the pavillion it was in. The weather was so great. Like 70 degrees and sunny. They had one off their good friends officiate the wedding and he was perfect! I would have cried the whole time. lol. After the ceremony we headed out again for more pics and then happy hour. (= happy me)
Then came the reception. the food was amazing. OMG I was stuffed. Let's just say a certain someone's spanx may or may not have been removed in the bathroom. But.. have no fear, it was all danced off. Everyone was shufflin!! What a great time on that dance floor. And the photo booth was a hit too! I only made it in once.. I wish I would have gotten in there with Lyla. Next wedding for sure. think, Erin, think. helloooo? anybody in there? (do you know what would happen if I handed in MY paper with YOUR name on it?!) that's for my BTTF buddies. ANYWHO BACK TO THE SUBJECT AT HAND. We danced and partied all night long. Lyla even made it til 11pm until the dancing wore her out and she fell asleep on Mommy. After she left, I made myself at home at the snack bar. Nachos, pizza.. ahh, no hangover.
We went up to Bloomingdale, Illinois on Friday evening. Agh, that drive took forever. Like that kid on Sandlot foreeevvvvveeerrrr. For real. Ok, maybe it was the sreaming baby in the backseat, or the snoring boy in the passenger seat that made it seem long, Idk. Ah, Nemo on dvd only works for so long :( Oh well, we made it and let me tell you, headed straight for bed. I mean straight. didn't even unpack our stuff from the car.
The next morning we got up and went to breakfast and checked out the hotel while Grandma and Grandpa hung out with Lyla. This place was awesome. Put-put golf, 2 pools, hot tub, like 4 bars, lots of lobby area.. and just an awesome layout. It was the Hilton Indian Lakes Resort (I think). Two thumbs up! Except for the loudness in the hallways :( kept us up all night! oh well.. after breakfast we all took a long nap and went out to the pool later until it was time to get ready for the rehearsal.
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lol, yep. that's us. and some man with a mustache. |
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Just giving Uncle Dustin some advice for his big day. |
Once we were all curled up, tucked in and painted on we were ready for pictures! It was a perfect day for outside pics so we headed out. Of course with strict instructions to keep the groom inside.
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Melissa and her sisters |
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LOVE this picture. <3 |
Me and Brandon at the reception. He was dad of the day and let me dance my butt off!
ok ok, this guy is a pretty good dad too. (baby hogger.)
She did this a lot...
Here's to the groom!
The next morning Lyla rode home with Grandpa and Grandma.. And guess what. She slept. a lot. Geez, I think she just likes to give her mom anxiety attacks. And what did we do you ask? Bought a new corn head. Yep. Gotta work the farm in there somehow. You didn't think it could be ALL about the wedding did you? hehe. It was a perfect weekend <3
And they lived happily ever after.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
WTF Wednesday
two weeks in a row?! WTF!!
Let's start with the HORRIBLE skunk smell around my house today. It woke me up around 4 or so and it is still bad and it's 11. WTF?! ugh.. I have seen one around lately and it's real nasty looking. Small and ratty hair. yuck. I was hoping someone ran it over.. don't see it.
Being a single mom. WTF? I have a baby daddy and I live with him! agh! I swear if I want to do anything ever I have to get a sitter. But if he wants to do something oh, he just does it. And let's not get started on the farm and the 11pm nights and 4am mornings... OK that's all I will crab about him. I do love him. Me and Lyla could have a whole secret life and he would never know.....
People stapling up signs on poles for their yard sale, baby shower, party or whatever and not taking them down. WTF?! Who do you think does it if you don't? Or do you just not care at all? I shouldn't have bought a house on a corner with a pole and also leading to the legion I guess. I can't wait to move to the country!
These old ass vans that are parked outside our neighbors house. WTF already.. they are packed full of crap and so is the house. Supposedly that's why she doesn't live there anymore because nothing else will fit in there. it's a big eye sore. But what now? someone hit the vans. so they are all smashed up and everyone keeps coming by to see them cause they haven't caught the van hitting bandit yet. geeeeez.
This being what my livingroom looks like all.the.time. Even if I pick it up.. that's what she goes straight for. WTF is so great about that cabinet?? You know it has hurt your little fingers before Lyla! But honestly sometimes I just sit and watch her do it. Keeps her occupied..
WHAT, LADY?! I run this house.
In a nutshell, this is my life. And I have sweet potatoes and corn on my pants. WTF?
Everyone and their brother's mother going to a Cardinals game lately.. and I haven't gone to one all year! I used to get asked to go to them like 5 times a year. What? Baby momma's don't like beer and baseball? WTF.
Losing a whole bag of onions at the parade party. Brandon says he put them in the closet thing but I can't find them anywhere. WTF. I have a feeling this is not going to have a pleasant ending..
Grain trucks galore fling down the road. WTF. Oh how I dream of my sweet little quiet country cottage.
alright, going on a walk because October wants to pretend it's July in the midwest.
don't be a sour puss today. just say WTF. it is Wednesday.
Oh, and I weigh in tonight for the first time. if I don't lose anything you may see me at the local drinking establishments.... bubye!
Let's start with the HORRIBLE skunk smell around my house today. It woke me up around 4 or so and it is still bad and it's 11. WTF?! ugh.. I have seen one around lately and it's real nasty looking. Small and ratty hair. yuck. I was hoping someone ran it over.. don't see it.
Being a single mom. WTF? I have a baby daddy and I live with him! agh! I swear if I want to do anything ever I have to get a sitter. But if he wants to do something oh, he just does it. And let's not get started on the farm and the 11pm nights and 4am mornings... OK that's all I will crab about him. I do love him. Me and Lyla could have a whole secret life and he would never know.....
People stapling up signs on poles for their yard sale, baby shower, party or whatever and not taking them down. WTF?! Who do you think does it if you don't? Or do you just not care at all? I shouldn't have bought a house on a corner with a pole and also leading to the legion I guess. I can't wait to move to the country!
These old ass vans that are parked outside our neighbors house. WTF already.. they are packed full of crap and so is the house. Supposedly that's why she doesn't live there anymore because nothing else will fit in there. it's a big eye sore. But what now? someone hit the vans. so they are all smashed up and everyone keeps coming by to see them cause they haven't caught the van hitting bandit yet. geeeeez.
This being what my livingroom looks like all.the.time. Even if I pick it up.. that's what she goes straight for. WTF is so great about that cabinet?? You know it has hurt your little fingers before Lyla! But honestly sometimes I just sit and watch her do it. Keeps her occupied..
WHAT, LADY?! I run this house.
In a nutshell, this is my life. And I have sweet potatoes and corn on my pants. WTF?
Everyone and their brother's mother going to a Cardinals game lately.. and I haven't gone to one all year! I used to get asked to go to them like 5 times a year. What? Baby momma's don't like beer and baseball? WTF.
Losing a whole bag of onions at the parade party. Brandon says he put them in the closet thing but I can't find them anywhere. WTF. I have a feeling this is not going to have a pleasant ending..
Grain trucks galore fling down the road. WTF. Oh how I dream of my sweet little quiet country cottage.
alright, going on a walk because October wants to pretend it's July in the midwest.
don't be a sour puss today. just say WTF. it is Wednesday.
Oh, and I weigh in tonight for the first time. if I don't lose anything you may see me at the local drinking establishments.... bubye!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
don't fool with the cool cause the cool don't fool.
ahh, fall is my favorite time of year.. why oh WHY are we so busy?! some of it is fun.. but I wish I had just a little time to sit back and relax with my boyfriend and my baby.. is that TOO MUCH TO ASK?!
let's play a little catch up. because well, I have been a bad blogger lately. I still blame it on my crap computer that my brother oh so lovingly told me "didn't come with a ten year warranty" the other day. Scratch having him work on it. Maybe my other brother can figure something out for me.. hint hint ehem..Dustin? And this computer I am on just doesn't cut it. just slooow. and with my verizon internet connection in evansville you can just imagine. It takes a lot of patience that I don't have with a kid pulling all of my movies out of the tv stand. OK. THE SHOW MUST GO ON.
We didn't see anything crazy there. But some crazy lady told us that one of the snakes killed someone she knows and then they sent the snake to the zoo. yeah lady. I have the number to a good therapist. Amy said the last time she was there the big turtles were doing something bad. glad a missed it. WE DID get to see the baby elephant Kenzi. SO CUTE. and there was a baby rhino too! yipppeeee skippy.
Let's see. What else have we been doing?? OH! I don't think I ever told you about our parade party. There was like 88 kids here. Yeah. Ok, not really. More like 5. But all small small crazy children. It was a good day. We grilled tenderloin and had all sorts of snacks. numnumnum. And later we sat out by the fire on the straw bales I set out all by myself. check it.
let's play a little catch up. because well, I have been a bad blogger lately. I still blame it on my crap computer that my brother oh so lovingly told me "didn't come with a ten year warranty" the other day. Scratch having him work on it. Maybe my other brother can figure something out for me.. hint hint ehem..Dustin? And this computer I am on just doesn't cut it. just slooow. and with my verizon internet connection in evansville you can just imagine. It takes a lot of patience that I don't have with a kid pulling all of my movies out of the tv stand. OK. THE SHOW MUST GO ON.
We went to the zoo last Thursday! Just me and Lyla and my friend Amy and her son Laithen. It was a blast!! Minus my sinus issues :/ But perfect day. The kids were GREAT. Then got back to Red Bud and met Sarah for margs and a night out on the town. yeeehaw I wish I could do that once a week! great day.
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I mean, how much better does it get?? |
We didn't see anything crazy there. But some crazy lady told us that one of the snakes killed someone she knows and then they sent the snake to the zoo. yeah lady. I have the number to a good therapist. Amy said the last time she was there the big turtles were doing something bad. glad a missed it. WE DID get to see the baby elephant Kenzi. SO CUTE. and there was a baby rhino too! yipppeeee skippy.
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pictures by the ape. dun. |
Let's see. What else have we been doing?? OH! I don't think I ever told you about our parade party. There was like 88 kids here. Yeah. Ok, not really. More like 5. But all small small crazy children. It was a good day. We grilled tenderloin and had all sorts of snacks. numnumnum. And later we sat out by the fire on the straw bales I set out all by myself. check it.
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parade watching. |
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fire drinking. |
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washer throwing. |
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Logie holding.. guess it was scary? |
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Stella chasing. |
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Lyla playin. |
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Henry lovin. |
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front yard sitting. |
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camera hidin, candy gettin. |
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driveway sitting. |
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um.. I don't know what they're doing. |
Wellllll. That's all I got for now. I need to update you all on a certain wedding adventure too. But that will come after a bottle is made and a certain little lady calms down.. peace!
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