ok ok I know I know. It's Thursday. It's been a little crazy around here. and this is what I opened my computer to:
yep. a piece of cheese. from Friday. what a nice surprise.
ANYWAY back to the weekend.
Friday I think I stayed home with my baby. Pretty sure. That was a long time ago..
Saturday Brandon had to work and Heather (Brandon's sister) came over to babysit Lyla while I went boating with my mom, dad, Jill and Kim. I think they had a pretty good day together.. and Lyla got to go to Rural King! Aunt Heather even got her a new lifejacket! We still haven't tried it on, but we'll see!
Sunday was a pretty relaxing day. Brandon actually got to stay home with us allll day! We cooked a big breakfast while Lyla napped that morning and just watched tv and did things around the house the rest of the day. That doesn't happen very often and it was so nice. That afternoon we got ready and headed up to my mom's house to drop Lyla off to spend the night. Brandon and I went and had pizza and bloody mary's and went to the block party in Evansville. We had a great night! and Grandma said Lyla did too :)
Well, Monday was the 4th! of course... we planned on going to the parade that morning, but we were running a little late so we skipped that and headed to the picnic in Steeleville. Brandon's family goes every year and it's always a good time. They have some great fish sandwiches too! Lyla was great the whole time just smiling at everyone!
they also have a craft fair area there where I found some things for myself! imagine that.
That afternoon we got home, took showers and Lyla and Mommy took naps while Daddy layed on the couch. ahhh, can we relive this weekend please? It was nice having all three of us at home!
Evansville has fireworks every year at dark on the 4th. So Tony, Sarah, Camden, Ryan, Becky and my Mom and Dad came over for a while to do a few little fireworks here before we headed to find our spot for the big show.
Then it was time to go! Lyla looooooved the fireworks! She watched and watched til she just got too tired!
just layin on our blanket lookin at the sky! :) |
Our first 4th of July as a family <3 |
Hope you all had a great 4th of July as well! We are leaving for Table Rock Lake on Saturday and I won't be coming back until next weekend! don't know if you'll hear from me right away but I am sure I can do a weekend wrap up during a nap time:) Have a great Thursday! Maybe my computer will start cooperating now so I can post some more!
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