I confess the other night Brandon and I watched Country Strong for the first time (and I LOVED it) and while we were sitting there he goes "omg that's the girl on Gossip Girl"...... I've never watched Gossip Girl in my life.
I confess Lyla is wearing a 9 month outfit as we speak. WHHHAAAAAT?!?! and someone on my facebook actually said she looks small! I think she is growin like a weed!
I confess I contemplated telling about 6 people off this week. Of course all in emails. But then I decided it wasn't worth my time.. and after I got done I would probably just be more upset than I started out.
I confess I am over being nice to people that don't deserve it. I don't need negativity in my life.. or people that use me. So I am going to fill my life up with positive, outgoing, supportive, understanding people. So if you aren't one of those.. and you can't understand that other people's lives don't revolve around yours, back off and lose my number.
I confess that Brandon and I are going out with another couple tomorrow night and we haven't done that in.. well I have no idea how long. (without baby) I'm pretty excited!
I confess I haven't went to spinning all week. And next week is the wedding. BUT I am going today and I sit here as we talk with my "skinny wrap" on. :) I'll let you know how it works. haha.
I confess I played hair shop with Lyla yesterday. I was putting her hair in little ponytails and cracking up at her. Brandon told me to quit makin fun of her and I got sad then. hahaha. We also went on a little picnic in the yard yesterday evening. Think this weather is making me happier?!
I confess I have been counting down the days til I can go get a mani/pedi for my brothers wedding. Now that I'm a SAHM I just don't have the money to do things like that very often.
I confess I saw something about Back to the Future on the news this morning and now I really, really, really want to get out the dvd and watch it. But then I'd get nothing done today...
That's all. Goodbye.
i confess that i have NEVER seen back to the furture.
and i confess that i can't wait until that couple is me and josh!!
I'm going to do my 2nd skinny wrap this weekend. Jackie said she slept in hers so that's what I"m doing....I didn't loose any last time, maybe because I ate some cupcakes that weekend!! =(
I confess when I used to (I WILL start back up...on er Monday) workout in the mornings that I would hope that Brody would wake up so I could stop! :-/
I confess that your blog only shows up in my feed at totally random times, and then I see I've missed a billion of your posts. What the junk?
Cassie - That's insane. You need to see those movies. :)
Whhhhaaat?! Why is my blog so crazy.. and just now I looked at it and it is totally not the same background. ugh.. weird!
Yes...sleep in it..and plastic wrap! I just did another one and lost a few more inches!
I don't think Eli and I have gone out with another couple since Loreli....I remember those days!
I am a positive, outgoing, supportive, understanding person :):)
I'm glad we have the same philosophy on life!!
And...I confess that I just found a gc for Lily's from LAST Christmas last night. So ANY time you want to go, let me know!! I'll bring a bottle of wine! OHHH doesn't that sound nice!!??
I am a positive person, AND I have seen B2tF a billion times. So, I win?
Dustin you win! ANd Sarah wins too cause she said she would bring wine.
If it's a competition I have Back to the Future 1, 2, AND 3 on DVD. No VHS for this sucka!!
If you were a real fan you would still have the vhs from childhood like me. AND the trilogy. Duh.
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