Wednesday, August 24, 2011

WTF Wednesday

hmmm. What do you think my number one will be today?? THIS F'ING HEAT. WTF. It makes me want to cry. I honestly think I jinxed the weather because I bought some new long jeans. Sorry guys, I did it.

Being on the wait list for spinning today. Really? A wait list? WTF. This girl needs to get in a bridesmaids dress so get your ass off that bike! Contemplating just showing up reallll early. What they gonna say to me?!

Googling Nuva Ring side effects last night and apparently a lot of women find they gain a lot of weight while on it. WTF? First thing I did? Made a phone call at 8 am to "discuss" my medications with my doctor! I swear if I get on the pill I won't forget a day. promise.

Wanting to eat everything in sight for the last 3 days. WTF?! Hormones anyone? I have some to spare.

Kristin Chenoweth making out with her dog on Ellen. WTF. and they just keep showing the clip.. not to mention this is a repeat (of course).. yuck! I used to think that little lady was soooo cute.

I'm gonna go back to these Teen Mom's having wayyyy to much money to throw around. WTF? Oh, let me just go out to California real quick to see if I wanna move there, oh, let me take my kid to a day care to just hang out with some other kids cause I feel like it, oh, let's have another baby.. what?!

Brandon throwing a fit that Evansville days is in September this year. WTF?? I am stoked about it!! Would you want to stand outside and watch a parade TODAY?! no. This heat is ridic. 

well. that's all I got. most likely not all, but I'm gonna keep my cool today. :) Happy Wednesday! And remember.. Just say WTF! it is Wednesday.


sblind2 said...
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sblind2 said...

What date is E'ville Days?

Jackie said...

agree about the weather...I hate this shit!!!

Heather said...

FYI, I got pregnant on the ring.

Erin said...

I am pretty sure Eville days is the 16, 17 and 18th. I know the parade is that Sunday. We are gonna have a little party and anyone is invited! We live right on the route :)
Heather.. don't tell me that! But I got on a pill yesterday and I am thinking about getting some thing inserted in my arm.. but I want to do a little research first. all I know is that thing made me FAT.