Our weekend was packed full that's for sure!!
Well, Friday night we planned on going out to eat. Just to Mary's or somewhere.. but Lyla had other plans. She decided only Momma could hold her and she didn't want to go anywhere. I'm ok with that most of the time.. but do you know how hard it is to get ready when no one else can make her happy?! it's tough. It's seriously like.. Brandon sits down with her and she screams.. I take her out of his arms and she is completely content. ?!?!?! I know I spend all day with her.. but I DO NOT hold her all day!! Anyway. Brandon had a craving for some wings from Mary's and nothin was stoppin him. So he went and got supper there and we stayed home. Which was completely fine.. because momma got a long bath in.. and Lyla slept 9.5 hours that night! whew.
Saturday was the crazy day. At about 8:15 I dropped Lyla off at Sarah and Tony's and headed to do hair for a wedding. I had to do the bride and one of the bridesmaid's updos. I got back at about noon to pick her up and Sarah said she was great! Hardly a peep out of her.. well except for all the "talking" she does:) So I headed home where my mom was already waiting to pick her up for the night. Then I got ready for the wedding.. this is when I found out the dresses I bought didn't quite fit right after I washed them!! I don't even know why I washed them.. I just did. Sarah came over and I tried them on for her.. she said there was NO way I could wear the first one. Way too short. And the second one I would just have to be careful not to flash everyone my butt. (and it took a little while to zip up! haha.) I swear I tried them on and they were perfect! ugh. Anyway.. after I did Sarah's hair we headed to the wedding. It was outside and a little chilly! But everything went great and the bride was gorgeous. Then we headed to the reception. Everyone danced like crazy! Even the prego girls. hehe. And there was a photo booth.. I even convinced Brandon to go in with me! I stuck our photo in his back pocket afterwards and it is no where to be found now. ugh. But if you want to see us go to: http://www.mcmusicdj.com/ click Event Photos and the password is JOHNDEERE we are on page 28. Yes, it was a John Deere themed wedding. And yes. Brandon insisted on wearing a cut off.
Sunday we slept in and went to pick up Lyla from my moms. Brandon wasn't feelin too hot.. but he sucked it up and went. We had his grandma's 75th birthday party that afternoon. Lyla was an angel child. We had a great time.. and after Brandon got some junk food and a couple beers in his belly he was feelin great again. We were home by 8:30 and everyone was in bed sleeping by ten. Lyla has been the best little sleeper ever lately! it's been great! Btw..I took NO pictures this weekend. Yeah.. dumb. I'll take a ton this week! Hope you all had a good weekend!!
Next weekend will be a busy one too! But if you aren't doing anything Sunday come down to the Steeleville Eagles for Brandon's uncles benefit. There will be chicken and beer and lots of other fun stuff! We are also selling tickets for a gun (don't ask me what kind) and a wagon load of booze. Let me know if you're interested!
OMG Erin your header is so so cute! How did you do it?
thank you!! I re-did my page last week and it reset over the weekend!! made me so mad! I had another header too and I liked it better but my computer was actin funny. I made it on Picasa. Then uploaded it instead of my regular header. pretty easy!
We are having a photobooth, so take full advantage of it!
Lyla just cries when you aren't holding you cause she lovessssssss you
Thanks...I may give it a try!
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