Wednesday, May 25, 2011

WTF Wednesday

The other day Brandon saw the empty fish bowl under the sink and said "hey babe, did your fish die?!" yeah Brandon.. a couple days after Lyla was born.. almost three months ago! WTF. hahaha. rip ollie.

I was watching tv the other day and a Mother's Day commercial came on.. I yelled at the tv that mothers day was over!! WTF! Then I realized I was watching a DVR'd Glee....

Brandon asked me what I wanted to do for my birthday the other day and I said without hesitation.. "go to the courthouse?!" he said no. lol. WTF?! I had his 8 pound 7 ounce baby!

People not letting me write a check without an id. WTF. Hey, my check is not gonna bounce! Just because I didn't know where my license or my debit card was does not mean I am that irresponsible. haha.

Lyla has already pooped 3 times today and it's noon. wtf. hope she feels better!

Everytime I watch the weather the temps are hotter for this weekend! wtf!!?

The guy trying to stop the Hangover from being released. wtf. everybody wants a buck. Just be excited they think your tattoo is that sweet.

WTF. idiot.
Everytime I see my brother Sean he asks me if Lyla still sneezes. Well Sean, do you still sneeze?! He says its the cutest and funniest thing she does. He also just can't believe how much she likes him. WTF. lol.

Wtf are we doing on the internets?! We need to be getting ready to watch Oprah. Last.Show.Eveeerrrrr! lol. Thinking about taking a picture of Lyla watching it and putting it in her baby book... she'll probly say WTF Mom!

and we actually saw Stedman yesterday! I saw Oprah say WTF!

Happy Wednesday! Don't hesitate to say wtf.


Jackie said...

I love your WTF Wednesdays....It just makes me crack up!

Cassie said...

lol - and how about you not commenting on ANYONE'S blog. yeah a big WTF!