The funny thing about Thank You Thursday is you really don't know when I am being sarcastic do you?
Thank you Brandon for being too busy to mow the lawn 2 weeks in a row now. I mean, I like the exercise (I really do.) but the farm stuff can stop anytime now...
Thank you Charlie Sheen for saying "winning". Now every dumbass on facebook thinks they need to say it in every status update. "drinking beer. WINNING" "going on vacation. WINNING." "Taking a nap. WINNING." if you have to tell people you are winning, you probably aren't. And I don't want to hear anything about tiger blood either.
Thank you Lyla for taking 3 long naps today! I just hope you sleep tonight...
Thank you Wal-Mart for making mushroom swiss burgers that I was really excited about.. and then tasted like salisbury steak from grade school.
Thank you oreos. Just.. thank you.
Thank you weather for messing up my Tuesday night.. I mean, I look forward to Deadliest Catch every week... you really threw my week off track. (sad but true)
Thank you Lady Gaga for this song: You and I
Love love love it.
Thank you benadryl and sudafed for helping me through this grass mowing bs.
Thank you bottle dryer rack for falling apart today when you were full of Dr.Brown's million piece bottles today.. awesome. Good thing I mopped the floor after the beer explosion yesterday.
Thank you momma birds for making yet another nest and laying yet another egg in my flower pots.. we needed more birds around here.
thank you erin - i laughed out loud to every single one of these. ESPECIALLY the winning one. OMG - yes drives me f-ing crazy!
Lol someone had it again today..
Why I have I not heard of seen any of this "winning" stuff....I guess it's a good thing I haven't!
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